
Elements of Thought Broadcasting

Hi, Everyone! I have my latest column here. It’s about how Thought Broadcasting effects the mind and how it causes other issues as well. Here’s a link to the free read: Elements of Thought Broadcasting

Philosophy and Life Events

Hi, Everyone! I have my latest column post. It’s about how wisdom and life events factor into psychosis and can also help to get rid of it. Here’s a link to the free read: Philosophy and Life Events: Keys to Psychosis

The Little things

Hi, Everyone! I have my latest column on how the little things factored into my mental health. Here’s a link to the free read: The Little Things: A Double-Edged Sword with Psychosis

The Sapling

Hi, Everyone. I have my latest short story about living with stigma. Here’s a link to the free read: The Sapling

Negative Self-Talk

Hi Guys, Here’s my latest article on how to combat negative self-talk through changing self-discipline. Self Discipline and Positive Self

The Clock

Hi, Everyone. I have my latest short story about deconstructing stigma. Here’s a link to the free read: The Clock