
Experiencing & Overcoming Schizoaffective Disorder
In this powerful memoir, 20-Time Oxford University Medical Journals Contributor, McLean Hospital Harvard Resident doctor instructor, and Good Men's Project Columnist Steve Colori courageously articulates his experience of facing and overcoming schizoaffective disorder. His personal narrative gives readers insight into the true nature of the illness, providing a lucid description of symptoms such as hallucinations, paranoia, OCD, suicidal thoughts, bipolar disorder, mania, insomnia, family issues, and social dysfunction

Stek's Deliberations
Rob Stekowitz has always been “a bore that sucks the life out of people,” according to his old roommate. Entering his second semester at Bulger University, he meets a group of fraternity brothers who invite him to join Epsilon Tau Omega—“the greatest fraternity ever!” Rob's search for a meaningful college experience is a highly entertaining read, filled with comedy and drama.

Thoughts on Therapy
A powerful collection of essays about Steve Colori’s recovery from schizoaffective disorder and emergence back into living a full life. Building from his first book, Thoughts on Therapy provides tremendous tools, insights, resources, and wisdom on working through and eliminating symptoms, behavioral work, interpersonal dynamics, stigma, and living in the modern world with mental health struggles.
Memoir reviews
Should be Mandatory for Medical and Nursing Students
“The author writes from his personal experiences in a style that clearly helps the reader understand the vast challenges of dealing with Schizoaffective disorder. Fascinating that he was aware of mental processing issues very early in life, but compensated quite well until early adulthood. His willingness to share the details of numerous spirals and the difficult battles to regain clarity explain the disorder better than any textbook I have seen in 40 years of nursing practice.”
available writings & publications

In addition to Steve Colori’s Memoir, Steve also has published with Literally Stories, Talk Soup, The Flash Fiction Press, Short Tale 100, The Scarlett Leaf Review, A Story in 100 Words, Star 82 Review, and The Indiana Voice Journal.

Steve provides in-service didactics throughout McLean Hospital on a variety of subjects. Along with this he instructs McLean Hospital’s Harvard Resident Doctors, he lectures at Simmons College Graduate School of Social Work, for NAMI, and he has lectured at a number of other venues.

“Steve Colori Talks Mental Health” is Steve’s monthly column with The Good Men Project which discusses a variety of issues ranging from social dynamics, symptoms, stigma, and everyday life with a mental health struggle. Steve has written this column since 2017. Click here to read more!
read the blog
Steve Colori shares his experiences first hand in his writings on the blog. Many of the articles are published by The Good Men Project and the Schizophrenia Bulletin by Oxford Medical Journal.